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American Hero: Senator John McCain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:09 am
by marc
We lost a true American hero this weekend when Senator and war hero John McCain passed away after a long fight with cancer.

A man who waged a five year fight against the army of North Vietnam, and won simply by surviving, who then came home to work to keep America great for the rest of his life.

By comparison, so many others seem so much smaller in stature.

As presidential historian Jon Meacham put it so well yesterday: “John McCain in death is performing the unifying function that the incumbent president is congenitally incapable of performing”

In one more insult from the sitting President, the American flag flying above the White House was returned to it full height after standing at half mast, in honor to Senator McCain, for less than 48 hours. Meacham is right.


Re: American Hero: Senator John McCain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 8:30 am
by mcdtj
The man had the opportunity to get out of a North Vietnamese POW camp wherein he endured beatings and torture, but would not leave his comrades.

If this was the only principled stand he took in his life, it would have been a life well-lived. And it was far from the only one.

He never attained the presidency, but I think the Senate was where he was supposed to be. He offered wise advice and good counsel, with courage and conviction. We need more of that, especially now. He will be missed.

Re: American Hero: Senator John McCain

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:43 pm
by StevenT
Senator McCain served his country in the military, in congress, in the senate, and with song:
