Jackson Overkill

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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby guitarbro » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:26 pm

dennis0226 wrote:any bets as to which city will have the first m. jackson blvd. :(

There already is and it's been around for years, it's in his hometown in Indiana
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby Bogeyfire » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:02 am

duffyb wrote:I didn't really react one way or another to his death. I was never a big fan but then again I'd have never thought 'one more pedophile off the streets,' either. Paying someone off does not automatically point to guilt. There are gold diggers in this world.

But alas, there are those who use this as a wedge issue to divide and perpetuate intolerance, hate and fear;

Peter King: Michael Jackson A 'Pervert' And 'Low-Life'
Watch: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/0 ... 26062.html

Well, you started off okay, Duffy. But the Huffington Post? btw- I actually read that link you posted, then listened to Peter King's rant on YouTube. Huffington completely left out his point that real heros are dying for this country and it is they who should get the accolades, not Jackson. There is some poignancy for that, don't you think?

Was Jackson a pervert? Yeah, I think so. Maybe the kid was lying about the "medical photos" MJ was showing him of naked men. Maybe the "Jesus Juice" wasn't really abuse. Maybe the kid knowing intimate details about MJ's penis wasn't admissible due to some legal tactic. Maybe its okay by MJ's own admission that it is okay to sleep with young children in his bed who he doesn't know. But if it walks like a duck... he's a pervert. If nothing else, I get disgusted every time I see the perv grab his crotch in videos directed to adolescents.

So, I guess I agree with Peter King, whoever he is. I also disagree with the muckraker, "Reverend" Al Sharpton that King's comments are "racist". There is nothing racist in what Peter King said. But its the typical nonstop drum Sharpton beats. He loves to throw that racism card whether it applies or not. Its such a predictable tactic. Why don't people wise up?

MJ sharing his bed with children:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-pIslYT ... r_embedded
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby mikec » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:51 am

I just read everything in this post and I agree with the fact that more kids would have come forward if it was true. Example ( sorry to the Catholics who read this) This scandal was huge compared to Michael's. A lot more kids kept coming forward and priests were found guilty. Some just sent away somewhere out west. All but forgotten about. Talk about guilty.Peter King sounds like he has no clue what he is even talkin about but keeps going anyway. How much money do you think he has given to multiple charities? Probably not a dime. Michael is listed as the Entertainer who has donated the most to charities. I just do not like when people speak without knowing the truth only what they want to believe. I hope that these kids that did accuse him come forward now that he is dead and speak the truth whatever that may be. I am sure he is at peace. I hope someday his name is cleared so people could see the good things in his life. Rest in Peace Michael
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby Dave Densmore » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:15 am

I heard that the Staples Center service and all that went with it cost LA about 4 million bucks and they would be asking for donations from the fans. How outrageous is that? Send the bill to MJ's estate.
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby duffyb » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:28 am

Bogeyfire wrote: Well, you started off okay, Duffy. But the Huffington Post? btw- I actually read that link you posted, then listened to Peter King's rant on YouTube. Huffington completely left out his point that real heros are dying for this country and it is they who should get the accolades, not Jackson. There is some poignancy for that, don't you think?

Lol, now how did I know the crouchy ol' sot of the board would like what King said? Man, you are really mired in anger and negativity. King always comes across like he should be part of Tony Soprano's crew.

First of all, yeah the Huffington Post among others posted the video and the story. They report and fact check, unlike Fox News who just makes things up. And they didn't cut out the part the part about 'real heros.' But, that was the part that was so shameless and so typical of the right to throw that in our faces all the time. Wha, wha, wha.
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby Gretschwhitefalcon » Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:43 am

This isn't the political and current event forum, Duffy.
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby AlexInRI » Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:42 am

This is truly one of the most tragic figures in my lifetime. Marilyn Monroe comes close as does Elvis but this guy really never had a chance. His childhood was stolen from him, his father abused him, and he grew up hating himself.

I watched the retrospective of his video and TV appearances and that made me want to cry. I grew up with the Jackson 5 as part of my childhood soundtrack. Never bought the records but I didn't have to. They were always on the radio and TV. No other bubblegum pop act held a candle to them and that was because of Michael.

I remember admiring his first success as a grown up solo artist. I thought that was cool-even though it was pappy disco. I recognized he'd made a huge transition and was now an adult. I never saw the monster success coming that happened with Thriller. I loved those videos, but then again, I never bought any Jackson albums.

If he'd never had that success with Thriller he probably never would have become the king of weird. He lost his way at some point and started mutilating himself and that was so hard to bear. It wouldn't surprise me if he never had sex with children. He was so out of touch with reality that he probably thought it was ok to sleep with children. Either way, I obviously didn't approve but I refuse to cast the first stone.

I remember dating a woman who had kids back in the 80s. The father of these kids was a racist. The five year old boy used the N word and I looked at him and tried to explain why that was wrong and then I hit on a great idea.

I said, "You like Michael Jackson, don't you?"
He replied, "Michael Jackson loves everybody."
"But Michael Jackson is black."
You should have seen the look on this little kid's face. He was raised to hate black people but he realized that he loved this black man. It was my hope that I planted the seed that would prevent this kid from growing up like his ugly father. That's the Michael Jackson I prefer to remember.

You never truly know a celebrity unless you truly know them. None of us knew him like his real friends and family and they are grieving his death. We should respect that and let him lie in peace.
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Re: Jackson Overkill

Postby pocoman54 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:37 am

Mikec and Alex,

I like your thoughts on this.

Really what makes us so cruel at times to be so harsh on a topic that the TRUTH does not exist. I may be wrong about MJ but I have the courage to say I might be wrong, rather than being like Peter King spouting his own truth.

Pocoin' In Lima, NY
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