Poco @ Kent (OH) Stage, 9/6/19

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Poco @ Kent (OH) Stage, 9/6/19

Postby mcdtj » Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:40 am

Nice double bill last night with PPL opening the show, followed by Poco. It was a sold-out weeks ago performance (unlike upcoming shows for David Crosby, Pat Metheny, Vanilla Fudge and even local music hero, Michael Stanley).

We had a couple of technical glitches (no volume for one of Rusty's guitars; a sound mix that amped the high end up to glass-shattering levels), but nothing that couldn't be fixed.

Best on-stage comment I've ever heard at a Poco show came last night, too. Rusty was teeing-up his Neil Young song, comparing himself to Neil and usually coming up on the short end. At one point, he said, "He has Daryll Hannah, I don't." At this point, half the women in the audience let out a loud, long boo. He let it die down and followed with, "I did better." ALL the women then cheered.

Your guy paid you righteous props, Mary. That should be worth, at least, his favorite dinner this week!!

Anyway, back to the music. I often review every song, but not this time. I want to share more general observations about the show.

Rusty often talks from the stage about the quality of musicians that are and have been in the band. It certainly was true again last night. This was my first time seeing Poco since Messrs. Lonow and Browning started sitting-in. They were great.

Rusty does a wonderful job picking songs and arranging them to suit the talents of the guys on stage. So last night we got some nice fiddle work from Lex on several numbers, in addition to blazing lead guitar riffs (and a couple of blazing double lead guitar riffs with Rusty).

The pedal steel is back in the mix, as are some songs that we haven't heard with it in a while (Magnolia, Indian Summer, HOTN).

And we have four vocalists on stage now, so songs such as KOT and Crazy Love have some added depth we haven't enjoyed for a while.

Sad to say, a personal favorite, the extended version of Hard Country, is not in the set list. No keyboards in this version of the band. But who knows, down the road, that could change.

And that's the amazing thing about following this band. The songs and arrangements change based on who is on stage. But the musicianship remains high regardless of who is on stage, the energy is there, and the entertainment value is unsurpassed.

So thanks, Neil Young's un-brother, for hanging in there with Poco for 50+ years. Hope it has been worth it to you--it certainly has been for me.
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