"Almost Famous", almost Poco?

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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby high and dry in n.y. » Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:37 pm

When Billy Crudupwalks into William's room to speak to him at the end of the movie, the first thing you see behind him is the Allman bros. , live at the Fillmore album cover only they're replaced by the guys from Still water in the poster. Crowe says in interviews that the allmans were a major influence but he also spent a lot of time with Zeppelin too so there's a dash of them in there with a little bit of Eagles and Poco mixed in for good measure.
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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby marc » Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:56 am

Lester Bangs did a lot of writing for Rolling Stone in the early days of the magazine in spite of the way he was portrayed in the film he also wrote for "Crawdaddy" a more organic music magazine than RS back than

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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby Quinn53 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:12 am

I read his articles all the time without knowing how young he was until I saw the movie.
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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby CurlyQfromLI » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:10 pm

Here is a reprint of the same article Marc has...


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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby CurlyQfromLI » Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:13 pm

And here is a Q & A from an interview Crowe did about that article...things are never what they seemed...editors did a number on the article....

The Onion: What was the first band you ever profiled?

Cameron Crowe: For Rolling Stone? Poco. The first one I toured with was Yes, then the Allman Brothers Band.

O: What was that experience like?

CC: Poco was the first experience where you let down the person you were writing about and they were somebody you really liked. I spent all this time writing about Poco and interviewed everybody endlessly. And they were like, "Rolling Stone really wants to do a big story on us?" I assured them they did, because that's what I'd been told. "Are you sure? Because we're not big enough and we thought we'd be bigger by now. They really want to do it?" And I kept saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." I spent all this time on the story, and then [the editors] cut it way down and the headline was, "Poor Poco, They Were The Next Big Thing Years Ago." So I had to take the magazine to the band when the article was published, because they knew when I was getting it and wanted me to bring it over. It was this terrible thing where I had to say, "Hi. Here's that article we worked weeks on." And it basically suggested that their career would never get off the ground.

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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby high and dry in n.y. » Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:04 am

I read this article when I was 18 and after rereading Annie's link. It solidifies the Poco connection, lotta similarities. Lester Bangs primarily wrote for Creem magazine of which he was a part owner and was published in his home city of Detroit, he contributed a couple of things to Crawdaddy and also Rolling Stone too.
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Re: "Almost Famous", almost Poco?

Postby Jiff » Sun May 29, 2022 11:26 pm

Just saw the 2020 documentary, Like a Rolling Stone: The Life & Times of Ben Fong-Torres. The primary writer/editor for RS in the 70s. Very good.

Cameron Crowe and Fong-Torres reminisce about those days, including talking about Crowe, at the age of 16, first engaging Fong-Torres, at a Stones concert, and offering to interview "Poco" for RS.

In Crowe's movie, Almost Famous, of the four or five bands it alludes to, Poco best fits the title.
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