been a long time

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been a long time

Postby volpi » Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:11 pm

I haven't posted much here in a long time. Some Poconuts went to facebook and I have talked to them on there. I'm sorry Its been a long time.
Since 2016 things have changed to say the least. I posted that year that My oldest brother had passed but I didn't say that my health was going downhill. I had a bad back, diabetes wet eye macular degeneration a broken bone in my leg plus getting cellulitus several times. My story continues in2018 we went to see Poco and Jim Messina at The Infinity theatre in Hartford Connecticut. I was a sorry sight walking with a cane, I had lost some weight and that was the last time I met Rusty. In late 2018
I was in extreme pain at Thanksgiving and had a bunch of visits to the ER plus rehab at a nursing home. Palm Sunday of 2019 I was again in extreme pain which my local hospital and two doctors could not find, the second one told me I was just fat. My son, my daughter and my son in law told Sue don't bring him back to Bristol Hospital, go to university of Connecticut or UConn medical. It saved my life. After being poked and prodded with every test and them thinking I suffered a heart attack the results came in. I had something called Cushings disease. I had a mass on my adrenal gland which thank God was non cancerous. Everything I had was attributed to Cushings including osteopirosis pardon my spelling. The final straw came when I broke my hip in 2020 and got a hip replacement. Now the good news everything but the broken hip reversed. I,ve been semi retired, I work part time and tomorrow I turn 65, I did not think I would make it. I miss a lot of the people I've connected with some have passed along with Rusty and Paul. Sorry for such a long letter.
Posts: 601
Joined: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:38 pm
Location: Bristol ct.

Re: been a long time

Postby woogie » Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:22 am

Hi Volpi It's been such a long time, You mentioned Sue and maybe I've got it wrong I seem to remember you are John, sorry if I've got it wrong.Anyway great to hear from you again and that you are doing better health wise.We are ok just getting older and dealing with that as it comes.we lost our daughter last year to cancer, she was 50 years old and life just aint the same without her.So glad to hear you are doing good long time no hear. Best wishes to you and Sue take care buddy,good to hear the old school back on here.Woogie
Posts: 2476
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:50 pm

Re: been a long time

Postby volpi » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:28 pm

Hi to you Woogie. I'm sorry I thought I had responded to you earlier. I prayed for your family for a long while. A lot went on as I said. Thank you for replying I thought I posted something about Rusty and Paul passing away. Sorry for your loss. It's great to hear from you.
Posts: 601
Joined: Sun Jun 14, 2009 8:38 pm
Location: Bristol ct.

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